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Hidden Logins: Why oh why!

There's a trend amongst modern websites and web apps that is becoming increasingly irksome: hiding the damn "Login" button! If you require me to have an account to use your service (which makes […]

John Oliver's Back in the UK, Free and Legal!

I am a huge fan of the ever insightful talk show Last Week Tonight, hosted by John Oliver. I love the directness of the opinion pieces, agree with many of the stances taken and largely find the […]

2 Kinds of People

Occasionally, StumbleUpon truly comes through for me, providing a tiny internet gem that I'm certain I'd have never found otherwise. Today, that accolade goes to 2 Kinds of People, the type of […]

Toshl Finance

Toshl is one of those weird little apps that, on paper, appear extremely useful but which I've never quite clicked with. On at least three separate occasions over the past year I've signed up for a […]

Judging Time

Time, and specifically timing, is a very hard thing to judge and something which is largely overlooked in our day-to-day lives. That's probably fine for common household chores, such as […]

Edge of Frustration

For about two years now I've become increasingly annoyed at my PC screen. The left-most edge has been "clipped", missing about 2mm across all programs. I'm not sure when the issue first occurred, I […]

Make Me Pulse

Occasionally, Stumbleupon delivers something totally unexpected and awesome. It's why I still get the service's weekly emails years after ever actively using the... app? Extension? Whatever, today it […]

Lightroom Resource List

My new PC is up and running and starting to be "just right" (we'll get to further details later, I promise), so one of the big "new" things I've got for the new year is a subscription to Adobe CC - […]

Gouty-Stem Trees For All

Ah, the good old "Gouty-Stem Tree" of Australia! Actually, I honestly had no idea that Baobab's had reached the Great Land of Oz; I have (mistakenly) always assumed they were endemic to Africa, but […]

Take Two

This isn’t defeat, the challenge is still rolling […]

From the ashes... maybe?

Last night had no 100 words. Today, who knows. I did write them, they exist and are "published" on my Workflowy account, but website is currently barely […]

Delivering frustration

It (was) 11:45, we (had) just returned from a very pleasant evening with some family/friends last seen whilst travelling through New Zealand... and I (was) arranging parcel re-deliveries. Not the […]

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