I know several people who have "Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi" as their network names... not quite sure what that says...
Occasionally, StumbleUpon truly comes through for me, providing a tiny internet gem that I'm certain I'd have never found otherwise. Today, that accolade goes to 2 Kinds of People, the type of microsite that Tumblr was made for. Some of the posts are a little obvious, though the simplistic art style makes them look great anyway, but I found myself genuinely laughing more than once as I browsed through their content. Definitely recommend a look.
I am a huge fan of the ever insightful talk show Last Week
Tonight, hosted by John Oliver. I love the directness of the
opinion pieces, agree with many of the stances taken and largely
find the …
Toshl is one of those weird little apps that, on paper, appear
extremely useful but which I've never quite clicked with. On at
least three separate occasions over the past year I've signed up
for a …
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<p>Occasionally, StumbleUpon truly comes through for me, providing
a tiny internet gem that I'm certain I'd have never found
otherwise. Today, that accolade goes to 2 Kinds of People, the type
of …</p>