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CMYK and the Magical Illusion of Colour

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There's isn't much to add to the above GIF, other than that I think it's a really cleverly designed and demonstrated concept. The idea of CMYK printing is nothing new to me; I've been interested in …


Month in Media: March 2017 [#14]

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Month in media is an archived project, now with a permanent home in the Reviews section. Films, TV shows, books, video games, and other media watched, read, or played in March 2017.


Duping the Genie [#16]

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You find yourself in a magical cave, holding an old oil lamp, spilling out of which is a magical Genie. You know the drill: you have three wishes and you cannot request …


The Weak Link

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I enjoyed reading this article, written by Ethan Marcotte. It makes some interesting points, aligns with my own cognitive bubble and provides some deeper insight into areas of stuff that I …


Insta Inspiration [#45]

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The recent update to Lightroom (and descent into League) means that photography has taken a bit of a backseat once again, but I have actually managed to turn posting to social media into a bit of a …


Finding the Time

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We have seven days in a week, 24 hours in a day – but what does that actually mean when trying to set aside time to work on side projects? Once you take into account work hours, time to eat and sleep, and everything in between, is it all as bad as it feels?


Third Time's The Charm

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Welcome to the third version of theAdhocracy! It's been a long time coming, but the site has finally been rebuilt, rehosted, and re-just-about-everything else, so I figured I'd actually formalise the launch with a new post explaining what's happened and why.


2019 In Numbers

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An amalgamation of all the data you get fed at the end of a year. From Spotify Wrapped, to Google tracking, to my own beer journal, a look back over 2019 from a (mildly) data-centred viewpoint.


Adding Search: Refining The Frontend (Algolia, Gatsby, Craft CMS - Part 3)

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The search page is live, the index is populated, but it all looked a bit rubbish and it didn't quite work as well as I wanted. Now it's using custom-styled components, queries are tracked/stored via the URL for persistence, and you can filter results based on category.


Ancestry and culture instead of race in fantasy

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I'd never really considered the use of "race" as a term for species within fantasy settings (e.g. Dwarves, Elves etc.). Darrell has some interesting thoughts, written through the lens of his take on …


Animated Content Placeholders

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What do you do when a website has loaded but the content is still being fetched from an API? One answer is to fill the page with animated placeholders, creating a skeleton of what the user can expect, with a dash of CSS animation to let them know that something's still going on behind the scenes.


Unlocking Git with Aliases

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A look at how I've been using Git aliases to remove repetitive tasks, automate workflows, and generally optimise working on the command line. They're small tips, but they've had a big impact on me.


Enabling keyboard navigation in macOS

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I was not expecting to find browsing the web with a keyboard so damn tricky on macOS, but here we are 😂 The tl;dr of the situation …


Use VSCode as Git Editor on macOS

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After months of frustration, I think I've finally worked out how to make VSCode the default Git editor on macOS.