
Post types:

Animated Content Placeholders

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What do you do when a website has loaded but the content is still being fetched from an API? One answer is to fill the page with animated placeholders, creating a skeleton of what the user can expect, with a dash of CSS animation to let them know that something's still going on behind the scenes.


A GitHub content editor

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Prose is a service that connects with any GitHub repo you want, and then lets you edit Markdown and plain text files directly from a dedicated text editor. Particularly useful for people using GitHub …

  • Nuts & Bolts

Some use cases for display: contents

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There have long been issues (mainly due to browser regressions) with using display: contents; in the wild, but there are still some potential use-cases for effectively removing non-semantic elements …


From context collapse to content collapse

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So that previously mentioned discussion around the problems of having a "single identity online" led me to this brilliant dissection of the impact social media had on social identity. From the …


CLI image compression

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Squoosh looks like a great image compression tool. Either drag'n'drop or link into their …


The danger of "just"

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An excellent summary of why providing help with language like "just" or "simply" can be demeaning, rather than …


Server-side versus client-side analytics

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Dave has been running Netlify Analytics (server-side) and Fathom (client-side) for a few years, and the results are in: data integrity is hard. They offer a solid overview of why neither dataset …


Disbanding the POSSE

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I'm a big fan of the IndieWeb community, yet I've long struggled with using many of their protocols or guidelines. POSSE is one of those. I do POSSE content to a couple of platforms (though, so …


Andy's evergreen notes

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Andy has built a career considering the impact of note-taking and ways to maximise it as a way to gain deeper insights and develop general knowledge. This notes microsite is one of their related …


New Content Disabled by Default on Craft CMS

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I frequently save a draft post in Craft only to realise it's set as live. Luckily, for me that doesn't massively matter as it's all API driven, but still it's nice to be able to change the default.


Animating the height of content using CSS grid

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A useful trick for animating the height of a specific piece of content. You cannot transform a height in CSS to the auto keyword; you have to provide a fixed value, which is obviously suboptimal in …


A brief history of the digital garden

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Maggie's writing is always fantastic, and their thoughts on digital gardens are always worth reading. The history here is nothing new to me personally, but does present it in an ideal manner. I also …


Keep stuff linkable

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The bulk of the article is about a kind of pseudo-scraper for populating links and references whilst writing a blog post or article. But the broader conversation piece here is whether linking in an …


Judging Time

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Time, and specifically timing, is a very hard thing to judge and something which is largely overlooked in our day-to-day lives. That's probably fine for common household chores, such as …


Rating my Opinion [#3]

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How do you determine quantitative worth for a de facto subjective experience? Is there even any point? Can you make related "values" actually relatable if those "values" are arguably …


Self Categorisation

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In which I start off asking a simple question: what content categories should I use on this website? Four hours later, I've discoverd information gardening, now pages, digital-me libraries, and oh so much more. And yes, I think I've answered that first question. Fancy a trip down the rabbit hole?


My GPT-3 blog went viral

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The tale of an AI-driven blog using GPT-3 that managed to garner 26,000 views in just two weeks and trend on Hacker News (where, ironically, the few people that called it out as potentially fake were …