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2018: The Year of London

It's that odd time of year, the bit between Christmas and New Year where time doesn't really flow like you expect it to. No one knows what day of the week it is and everything seems to be […]

New Year, New Rules

Well, we did it: we made it to 2019! 🎉 […]

Where Are the Dragons?

Yesterday, we visited The Vyne, a National Trust location in Hampshire. I'd love to say that we'd gone to dig into the history of the area but, really, we went to catch-up with family and enjoy a […]

How to Fix a Broken Embedded Flickr Album

I recently had need to embed a Flickr album, as I've done many times before. When I published the article, however, the album was broken and only showed a single image. Odd, sure, but I figured I had […]

Autumn Colours at Kew Gardens

What's this, a new article? Containing a new Flickr album? Well, who would have […]

Solving Ancient Riddles with Neural Networks

I, like just about everyone who has ever heard of it, have been fascinated by the Voynich manuscript for years. The idea of an eldritch textbook, written in an encrypted script and with baffling, […]

The Parisianer: A (Hopeful) Future of Paris

I have to admit, after a particularly awful experience well over a decade ago I have deliberately avoided travelling through the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. As a result, I had no idea about […]

Creodonts & The Absurdity of Extinction

I just fell down a rather wonderful rabbit hole. My tale begins with a book review, written by Ross Barnett, of Sabretooth (Mauricio Anton). Apart from instantly causing me to add the book […]

The Marvel-ous Collection: A Beginning

I'm a pretty big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it felt a bit ridiculous when I was given Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 for Christmas. To be clear, the gift wasn't ridiculous; […]

New Year, New Phone? Compare the Camera First

Currently, both myself and my partner are looking into replacing our mobile phones (her slightly more urgently). As a result, we're both quite deep in the mire of tech reviews, contract comparisons […]

The New 52: A Summary [#52]

So the end is nigh. Fifty-two weeks, fifty-nine articles, two failures and the most complete challenge I've ever set myself. Sure, I may not have managed to write once a week, every week, during 2017 […]

Remember: Anger Leads to the Dark Side [#51]

It is Christmas Eve and the penultimate week of the New 52 challenge! There's a nice symmetry to that, which, of course, is why I picked today to write a post... and nothing to do with it being the […]

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