A genuinely interesting idea executed extremely well, with great pacing and some very clever moments.
A surprisingly grounded origin story with some unexpected beats, but ultimately lacks the flair and consistency of the more modern setting.
A fun twist on the classic character with some strong beats, but a little incoherent if you aren't knee-deep in the existing lore.
The Starcaster Chronicles
A thrilling ride with a fun central gimmick and some interesting, novel ideas, even if the main plot is very reminiscent of genre classics like Firefly.
Quirky, heartfelt, and extremely dry. A slow build that ends on a high note thanks to an exceptional cast and some brilliant writing.
A classic, with a brilliant original concept done so well everything else has struggled to break out.
An extremely fun mash-up of gamer culture and superhero tropes that breathes new life into these beloved characters and begins building a world that I'm definitely intrigued by.
Ken Jeong: You Complete Me, Ho
A one-sided talk show routine turned into a comedy set. Not bad, just very self-centred and lacking structure.
An exceptional performance of an exceptional story, with an exceptional score and cast. Emotionally devastating though 😅
Russell Howard: Recalibrate
A bit disconnected, but individual sections range from entertaining to outright hilarious.
A few decent jokes and a solid cast save what is otherwise a lackluster plot, bizarre characterisation choices, and near-miss parody. A very American attempt at humour.
Much more fun than it needs to be, with plenty of charm, a great cast, and far more gamer jokes than I'd expected.