Marrs Green [#29]
I love the idea of G.F. Smith's "World's Favourite Colour": ask people to submit examples of their favourite colour and then vote. The results are interesting for a variety of reasons, but for me the big one is just how much I love "Marrs Green", the winning colour. I've always veered between saying my favourite colour was a shade of blue or green, with turquoise winning for many years in my youth but slowly losing ground. This particular shade, though, is stunning. Truly stunning.
Even my first exposure to the colour on Fstoppers stopped me whilst scrolling down the page. It's rich, offers great contrast and is just incredibly visually appealing. I'd be fascinated to know whether my reaction is just coincidence or if there is something optically stimulating about Marrs Green that is somehow innately attractive. Whatever it is, I definitely have a new favourite colour; if I lived in London I would certainly be heading down to their pop-up shop to see it in person! Plus, the whole aesthetic and branding exercise is top-notch. Beautiful.