
Post types:

Using the URL to build database-free web apps

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What a fun idea. I've obviously seen (and have used) URLs contain state information in the past, such as user preferences (light/dark mode or animation), but building an entire game using nothing but …


The Most Dangerous Way to Write

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I have no idea how useful this little web-app may actually turn out to be, but it's definitely a neat idea (and I wrote all of this in it too!). "The Most Dangerous Writing App" is certainly an odd …


There's a web component for that

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The Component Kitchen is a sort of app store for web components; a digital directory of useful packages, recipes, and one-shots that can be imported into your …


Is Web3 bullshit?

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Yes, it is 😉 Of course, Molly does a much better job of outlining why the Web3 experiment appears to be failing so spectacularly, and politely calls out the rest of the industry for allowing the …


"Web components" considered harmful

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Is the term "web component" useful? Or does it simultaneously obfuscate the power of the related APIs (custom elements, Shadow DOM, etc.) and confuse their intent/meaning in a way that leaves …


John Oliver's Back in the UK, Free and Legal!

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I am a huge fan of the ever insightful talk show Last Week Tonight, hosted by John Oliver. I love the directness of the opinion pieces, agree with many of the stances taken and largely find the …


Hidden Logins: Why oh why!

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There's a trend amongst modern websites and web apps that is becoming increasingly irksome: hiding the damn "Login" button! If you require me to have an account to use your service (which makes …


Where are the Reviews?

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Given the increasing diversity of web based (and meat space) services it is a source of constant confusion and annoyance that there aren't any far reaching, respected, crowd-sourced review sites out …


The Great iWall

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Well that's that then. The great legal firewall has descended and the BBC's iPlayer service is now firmly on the other side. As of today, you can no longer watch catch-up TV for free in the UK; …


Cards Against Clarity

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The concept of "card based" web design has been around for at least three years now. So why is it that the following quote from Khoi Vinh, written back in 2014, still appears to be a fundamental …


Rating my Opinion [#3]

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How do you determine quantitative worth for a de facto subjective experience? Is there even any point? Can you make related "values" actually relatable if those "values" are arguably …


A New Mozilla [#4]

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Mozilla's new logo, for me, is a rebrand done extremely well. The moment I saw the design the concept struck me as clever, appropriate and intelligent. Styling the "ill" part of their name to mimic …


Empathy Just Makes Sense [#12]

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Let Emotion Be Your Guide is a wonderful article from Hana Schank and Jana Sedivy (published on A List Apart) which has taken me far too long to actually sit down and read. It's worth your …


The Weak Link

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I enjoyed reading this article, written by Ethan Marcotte. It makes some interesting points, aligns with my own cognitive bubble and provides some deeper insight into areas of stuff that I …