Yes, it is 😉 Of course, Molly does a much better job of outlining why the Web3 experiment appears to be failing so spectacularly, and politely calls out the rest of the industry for allowing the existence of all the grifters, scammers, and criminals that have thrived within the bubble that Web3 has created.
The whole talk is an excellent summation of the work they have been doing over on Web3IsGoingGreat.
On the similarities between Web3 and the current web:
So many problems in today's web are driven by capitalistic forces, driving ruthlessly towards the enrichment of monopolistic tech companies, rather than the betterment of society. You'll have to excuse me for doubting that our utopian web dreams will be achieved through the introduction of a hyper-capitalist technology that aims to financialise everything on the web even further, and exposes user data on public ledges where it can be scraped by even more tech companies than are profiting off our data today.