
Post types:

CSS variables for React devs

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Josh breaks down why and how you can use CSS variables more easily in React, specifically using styled-components. Honestly it feels a little terrifying how much is needed just to get basic …


Var, let, and const, what's the difference

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var is globally scoped and hoisted, which can lead to unintended side effects. let is block-scoped and can never be redeclared within that scope – much harder to break, but need to be careful about …


Using data-attributes for style variations

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An interesting approach to using data attributes to drive CSS utility classes. I'm not sure I like the overly granular control (it feels like it falls into the same category as Tailwind, but now with …


Pass API Data to the Stylesheet with CSS Variables

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I keep running into the same problem: how to set a style attribute in the CMS and have that be dynamically rendered on the front-end, without relying on inline styles. Turns out it's a great use case for CSS variables!


CSS custom properties and the cascade

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CSS variables (aka CSS custom properties) do not have access to the cascade. That means they can't fall back to earlier rules, so if your variable is invalid, the browser will simply unset …



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A playful and fun new variable font, which lets you control the amount of thickness in three novel ways: ink trap, ballooning, and curve. The result are letterforms that almost seem to disassemble as …


Crafty Asset Management

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Migrating assets to a new CMS can be a complete pain, but working out which files go with each page or article on a website doesn't have to be a nightmare if you start with a solid foundation. For me, that means tightly coupling my folder structure on the server with my content structure on the website, a workflow that Craft is particularly nifty at automating.


Colour theme switcher

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Max has a pretty brilliant colour theme switcher on his website. I agree with him that "dark mode" is only the tip of the iceberg and with CSS variables we can now theme sites very easily. There are …


Scoping the wrong query?

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The RICG has a new fight: CSS container queries. The article's ignited discussion, beneficially. The problem is legitimate, the reasoning well argued and the solution intriguing. But something's …


Journey through time

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Today we boated from Exmouth to West Bay, whilst a(nother) geologist talked us through 200 million years of geological history. Apparently, the South Coast of Britain is one of the only places in the …

  • Natural World

Toshl Finance

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Toshl is one of those weird little apps that, on paper, appear extremely useful but which I've never quite clicked with. On at least three separate occasions over the past year I've signed up for a …


Logitech Z4 Speakers and The Weird-Ass Problem

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So I've owned a set of Logitech z4 2.1 desk speakers for about five years now, ever since a good friend of mine effectively gave them to me because they couldn't fit in his car. They remain one of …


Time Sinks and Indie Thoughts

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I've just noticed that it's been over a week since my last post. In and of itself, that isn't an issue. There are no schedules here; I have no binding commitments to theAdhocracy. Entire months or …


Cards Against Clarity

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The concept of "card based" web design has been around for at least three years now. So why is it that the following quote from Khoi Vinh, written back in 2014, still appears to be a fundamental …


Month in Media: January 2017 [#5]

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Month in media is an archived project, now with a permanent home in the Reviews section. Films, TV shows, books, video games, and other media watched, read, or played in January 2017.


Rating my Opinion [#3]

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How do you determine quantitative worth for a de facto subjective experience? Is there even any point? Can you make related "values" actually relatable if those "values" are arguably …