
Post types:

Open source web analytics

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An alternative, open-source analytics package which should be lighter weight than Google and claims to be more privacy conscious than even …



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Second is the article which led me to Lighthouse in the first place: AMPersand, by Ethan Marcotte. Not much to add to this one, just another voice adding weight to my uneasiness with the idea of AMP …


The free market is elusive

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...when the web was young, the free market in ideas was open to anyone with access to a library’s internet connection.But the web rewards network effects and network effects …


Judging Time

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Time, and specifically timing, is a very hard thing to judge and something which is largely overlooked in our day-to-day lives. That's probably fine for common household chores, such as …


John Oliver's Back in the UK, Free and Legal!

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I am a huge fan of the ever insightful talk show Last Week Tonight, hosted by John Oliver. I love the directness of the opinion pieces, agree with many of the stances taken and largely find the …


The Great iWall

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Well that's that then. The great legal firewall has descended and the BBC's iPlayer service is now firmly on the other side. As of today, you can no longer watch catch-up TV for free in the UK; …


Scrobbling from the Void

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Looking back over what I've previously written about is a little, well, shameful. Since as long ago as July 2015 I've been noting how the service has a large void: analog music. I love having …

  • Musical Notes
  • Technology

Rating my Opinion [#3]

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How do you determine quantitative worth for a de facto subjective experience? Is there even any point? Can you make related "values" actually relatable if those "values" are arguably …


A New Mozilla [#4]

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Mozilla's new logo, for me, is a rebrand done extremely well. The moment I saw the design the concept struck me as clever, appropriate and intelligent. Styling the "ill" part of their name to mimic …


The Marvel-ous Collection: A Beginning

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I'm a pretty big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it felt a bit ridiculous when I was given Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 for Christmas. To be clear, the gift wasn't ridiculous; …


Grid Lock

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An attempted experiment to replicate the blog layout of, which uses floats to great effect, with more modern CSS Grid and Flex techniques. Turned out to not be quite so simple, but taught me a lot about the benefits and limitations of CSS Grid.


Crafty Asset Management

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Migrating assets to a new CMS can be a complete pain, but working out which files go with each page or article on a website doesn't have to be a nightmare if you start with a solid foundation. For me, that means tightly coupling my folder structure on the server with my content structure on the website, a workflow that Craft is particularly nifty at automating.


2019: The Year of Craft JAM

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A look back and a look forward... it must be the start of a new year. 2019 held a lot of change and personal improvement, but I can't help but feel that 2020 is going to be a big one. So what exactly do I have planned and what am I hoping for the next 12 months?


IndieWebCamp London 2020

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I finally made it to an IndieWebCamp meetup, even if it was remote only due to the increasingly restrictive implications of the coronavirus. I learnt a lot, I had a great time, and I'm ready to start implementing a whole bunch of new ideas right here. I also took a huge number of notes from the speakers and sessions throughout the day.


Classy Microformats

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In which I begin by questioning why microformats are defined on the class attribute, instead of somewhere more bespoke, and end up concluding that I don't understand what microformats are actually for... and I'm not sure anyone else does, either.


React Summit 2020 Notes

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Notes from the fully remote React Summit 2020 (or at least the talks I tuned in for). Lots covered, from static-site generators and the Jamstack through to React state management and accessibility. What a fun day!