The free market is elusive | Seth Godin

...when the web was young, the free market in ideas was open to anyone with access to a library’s internet connection.

But the web rewards network effects and network effects have led to monopolies. Google doesn’t really want a free market in ideas (they hate blogs), instead, they want a market in which they’re the landlord. Facebook enabled a huge outpouring of voices from people who didn’t previously have a microphone, but their algorithms and focus on clicks led toward incentives for outrage as the voices corroded so many elements of our culture.

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  • <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p>...when the web was young, the free market in ideas was open to anyone with access to a library’s internet connection.But the web rewards network effects and network effects …</p> </body> </html>
  • Murray Adcock.
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