
Post types:

Animating the height of content using CSS grid

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A useful trick for animating the height of a specific piece of content. You cannot transform a height in CSS to the auto keyword; you have to provide a fixed value, which is obviously suboptimal in …


Using CSS transitions on auto dimensions

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A selection of possible workarounds for animating CSS values with auto keywords (e.g. height, width, etc.). Not a huge fan of the Flexbox option, but the max-height trick is a very useful one to …


A modern CSS reset

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Andy always has some interesting thoughts about CSS, and this reset is no exception. Lots of interesting things here that fit very nicely with both my own experience and other resets that I've …


Grid Lock

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An attempted experiment to replicate the blog layout of, which uses floats to great effect, with more modern CSS Grid and Flex techniques. Turned out to not be quite so simple, but taught me a lot about the benefits and limitations of CSS Grid.


CSS fix for 100vh in Safari

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Important Caveat: YMMV on this trick. Matt himself notes that there are potential issues and there's a discussion with Ε ime in the comments which highlights actual problems in …


Pitfalls of card UIs

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A great breakdown from Dave as to why the typical card UI pattern has some inherent issues. Some elements – like making cards all the same height and dealing with responsively collapsing card lists …


Go Fest Worldwide

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I've been playing PokΓ©mon Go for a little while now (as has Alison) so when it was announced that a real-world event would finally be coming to London this year I was quite excited. …


Accordion rows in CSS Grid

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When Eric first tweeted about the new design on his site, I thought something a bit unusual was going on with the CSS layout. I actually dove straight into the source that day and learnt a little …


Animated Content Placeholders

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What do you do when a website has loaded but the content is still being fetched from an API? One answer is to fill the page with animated placeholders, creating a skeleton of what the user can expect, with a dash of CSS animation to let them know that something's still going on behind the scenes.


The Trick to Animating Grid Columns

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Animating a grid element provides a lot of potential for fancy UIs and interesting interactions, but it's not immediately obvious when searching online how it needs to work and what the limitations are.


Josh's custom CSS reset

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Josh has added some additional thoughts to Andy's CSS reset. Personally, I like a combination of the two (with a dash of Stephanie's best practices thrown in for good measure), but wanted to capture …


Transparent Layers With Color-Mix

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The color-mix property enables a lot of interesting functionality when you realise that you can use it to mix transparency into colours, including design tokens.


What's new in WCAG 2.2

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A complete overview of the most recent WCAG 2.2 spec as it enters RC status, including quick overviews on the most common solutions to meet each new success …


Breaking out of the box

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Patrick Brosset covers a range of new(ish) web and browser APIs that allow PWAs to benefit from OS-level functionality to style and utilise more of the browser chrome. Specifically, the Windows …


Why centring is so hard

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Every web developer has torn their hair out trying to align an icon with some text, or two separate pieces of text with each other, or (god forbid) a whole sequence of text nodes, icons, form …

  • HTML & CSS
  • Typography
  • Web Design