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Using CSS transitions on auto dimensions

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A selection of possible workarounds for animating CSS values with auto keywords (e.g. height, width, etc.). Not a huge fan of the Flexbox option, but the max-height trick is a very useful one to …


Grid-ish Flexbox or Flexible Grid?

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The new dominant layout methods in CSS – grid and flexbox – have solved a lot of issues. Still, sometimes the ideal layout is somewhere in the middle: a flexible grid-like mashup. With a bit of outside-the-box thinking, you can there from either angle.


Srcset and sizes

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A wonderfully illustrated and deeply informative article on responsive images on the web. πŸ‘ Also, Eric's worries about "none of this being implemented in any browser yet" are no longer relevant …


Animated Content Placeholders

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What do you do when a website has loaded but the content is still being fetched from an API? One answer is to fill the page with animated placeholders, creating a skeleton of what the user can expect, with a dash of CSS animation to let them know that something's still going on behind the scenes.


The Trick to Animating Grid Columns

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Animating a grid element provides a lot of potential for fancy UIs and interesting interactions, but it's not immediately obvious when searching online how it needs to work and what the limitations are.


The modern way of serving images

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A very thorough overview of how to write a modern, performant, HTML-driven image component that is as optimised to serve the most appropriate image as possible. There are some very neat tricks in …


The ideal viewport doesn’t exist

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A useful piece of research diving into the continued fragmentation of viewport and screen sizes across the web. I was actually one of the data points, as I saw the original call to arms (a clever …