Designing teamwork
Read NoteSome really nice thoughts and a generally solid write up of the latest Slack redesign, which has been trialled/prototyped by a diverse "working group" of customers. Great to see a tech company …
Some really nice thoughts and a generally solid write up of the latest Slack redesign, which has been trialled/prototyped by a diverse "working group" of customers. Great to see a tech company …
December 14th 2017: The day the internet …
I finally made it to an IndieWebCamp meetup, even if it was remote only due to the increasingly restrictive implications of the coronavirus. I learnt a lot, I had a great time, and I'm ready to start implementing a whole bunch of new ideas right here. I also took a huge number of notes from the speakers and sessions throughout the day.
Notes from my second fully remote conference, this time Sparkbox's UnConference. Being able to freely access talks from the US is a rare bonus of everything going on right now, and this did not disappoint. Musical cameos, great talks on UX, accessibility, design systems, and amazing speakers. Great event (despite the time difference).
Some thoughts on Code Institute's "5 Day Coding Challenge", having just completed it.
A simple idea: collate all your feeds (RSS, ATOM, MF2, whatever) into one place. Marcus suggests a pattern of using the /feeds page (his is here). There have been some valid discussions on the …
I like this definition. I think it does a good job of encapsulating why static sites are beneficial whilst also being clear that there are very few things a static site can't be. As Josh demonstrates …
Tracy has written a really solid article that covers a lot of what I consider the positives of the IndieWeb movement. With her mentioning of digital gardens and personal filing systems, she's clearly …
What do you do when a website has loaded but the content is still being fetched from an API? One answer is to fill the page with animated placeholders, creating a skeleton of what the user can expect, with a dash of CSS animation to let them know that something's still going on behind the scenes.
IWC London was one year ago today. When it came to an end, I felt like I finally understood the IndieWeb. I was wrong.
For the past couple of weeks I've been lucky enough to take part in Cassie Evans' latest SVG workshop (the first truly exceptional perk of the "new" career 🤩). The workshop was split into five …
One of the most thorough explorations of an About page I've ever seen, and packed with interesting, thoughtful ideas, such as the statuses as a pseudo "now page" and red/green/grey colour icons to …