Explore Reviews

The Hustle

Dull, bland, boring, and somehow actively worse than the trailer. Just skip it.

The Lion King (2019)

Technically brilliant with some nice additions, but did we really need a shot-for-shot remake with some surprisingly disappointing voice acting moments? No, not really.


Is it 100% perfect? No, but it is 99% perfect and an incredibly important cultural moment to boot. Everyone should watch this film at least once, preferably in the cinema.

Knives Out

A triumphant attempt at a classic murder mystery. Intrigue, suspense, excellent cast, and just enough twists on the ol'formula to keep you interested.

Jurassic World

Despite the clear advances in CGI, these dinosaurs have never felt less realistic. The only saving grace is a competent set of performances from Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas-Howard.

The Lost City

Completely vapid, except it knew it and tried to lean in, so ended up at a brainless romp.

Rings of Power

It may deviate from the source material, but it does so spectacularly, weaving an epic tale filled with the spirit of Middle-Earth, even if it lacks the facts.

The A.D.A.M Project

A fun romp with a great mini Reynolds and a surprisingly decent take on time travel.

Hail, Caesar!

A wonderfully absurd excuse for a comedic take on golden age holiday.


Beautiful choreography and some stunning visuals elevate what is otherwise a fairly by-the-numbers Marvel outing, albeit a highly enjoyable one.


A by-the-numbers kids' film with some fun (albeit little explored) ideas and some excellent physical comedy.

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