Explore Reviews
An astonishing cast (who wouldn't enjoy Kili telling off Doctor
Who, whilst Jen fawns over, well, Danny Dyer 😁) providing
phenomenal performances, wrapped up in a story which, on paper,
honestly …
I've watched small chunks of Voyager before, but I don't
think I ever truly understood the core plot: a Federation starship
and a Maquis fighter are transported to a different quadrant of the
Vengeance Most Fowl
I'd made quite a few assumptions about Dinopedia before
actually reading it, most of which turned out to be wrong. The one
that bore out was that this is an excellent little book, packed to
Pokémon TCG: Pocket
It hasn't even been a year, and somehow Pokémon has wormed its
way back onto my phone. At least its a different (and new)
game this time …
The Gospel According To Jane
I definitely made a bit of a mistake assuming this would be the
first of the Firefly graphic novels, rather than somewhere
midway through the run, but oh well …
An absolute masterpiece that remains incredibly engaging and inventive.
Dawn of the Nugget
The same plot with bigger explosions and less substance. Also fails to ever address the key issue: those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it!
Agatha All Along
A distinctly unique and entertaining semi-sequel, and one of the best outings from the MCU in a hot minute.
A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories
A real range of story quality, but for Discworld fans, a fascinating insight into the evolution of Pratchett's writing style and ideas.
A little disjointed, but still a rare Marvel moment that isn't all about the big explosions.