Lighthouse | Google
Today is a day for another round-up of interesting pieces from across the web. Nothing too special, but hopefully a little intriguing.

First up is Google Lighthouse, one of the many branches of the Alphabet behemoth and a pretty interesting little project. I haven't actually managed to get it up and running, but I'll definitely be trying it out on theAdhocracy sometime soon (and probably weeping at the result). I don't need to test it, though, to see it will be a very useful tool in battling the increasingly problematic issue of internet lag.
Note: this was originally part of a full article titled "Stickers, Eclipses and Lighthouses" and the 36th post in my New 52 challenge. That article also linked to a blog post talking about a growing uneasiness with Google AMP, a design collection of achievement stickers for developers, a look at time management, and a critique of data visualisation of future solar eclipses. For posterity, the opening paragraph has been kept here.