There's nothing too exceptional about this video from Tom Scott. I've seen similar arguments made before – I've made them myself – but I think Tom does a very good job of outlining my precise concerns about the current state of machine learning software, and the "soft AI" that seems to be proliferating rapidly. I've felt for a while that ChatGPT, in particular, has felt a little different, and the Napster analogy in this video perfectly nails where that feeling is coming from. And, as much as I am enjoying the current Bing-powered memes about the populations of Mars or how search engines are now gaslighting people about the current year, I remain very concerned that we're on the brink of making a lot of the mistakes of the Napster era all over again.
So, whilst it will be fascinating to find out where on that sigmoid curve we actually are... I also really don't want to know 😅