Adding Lighthouse scores to my site's footer | Zach Leat a performance advocate, I feel that it’s important to keep myself honest and to have some transparency behind the sites I build.

Using a combination of Speedlify and Google Lighthouse tool, Zach is able to display web performance scores in his footer, bespoke for each page. He seems to be doing so client-side, though I don't fully understand the reasoning. He's using 11ty, so there's a build process involved. Zach points out that the Lighthouse score would be "stale" if pulled in during build time but that doesn't feel right. I'd expect the Lighthouse score of a static page to be constant until that page was updated, which would require another build anyway. I guess if he's doing a lot with client-side JS that may not be the case 🤷‍♂️ I also admit that he is the web perf specialist and I am not, so I am likely missing something.

Either way, it's a cool feature and a neat example of API-driven, Jamstack goodness 👍

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  • <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p>Using a combination of Speedlify and Google Lighthouse tool, Zach is able to display web performance scores in his footer, bespoke for each page. He seems to be doing so client-side, though I don't …</p> </body> </html>
  • Murray Adcock.
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