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How to view a website as Googlebot

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A very thorough article discussing how to convert a Chrome browser into an SEO testing environment, through a combination of browser settings and third-party add-ons. I personally like the idea of …


Classy Microformats

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In which I begin by questioning why microformats are defined on the class attribute, instead of somewhere more bespoke, and end up concluding that I don't understand what microformats are actually for... and I'm not sure anyone else does, either.


CSS Remedy

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An in-progress project looking to create a CSS reset that creates modern defaults, rather than just focusing on standardising behaviour across browsers or removing irritating legacy features in …


A tale of two buttons

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You have buttons on your website. These can be on a light background, or a dark background, and have active and non-active states, but should be highly visible in any variation. You might think that …


Get the FLoC out

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The latest breach of Google's old "do no evil" motto is here: FLoC. As ever, Jeremy has written a well-reasoned and nuanced take on why it's likely a bad idea, both for the web in general and Google …