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GitHub settings to change master to main

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I think it's cool to see GitHub embracing calls to move away from "master branch" terminology and doing so in a way which provides further flexibility and power to its users. That's a win-win no …


Micropubawhoozits! Am I right?!

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I'd really love to get micropublishing up and running on theAdhocracy. I've recently started dabbling in Flickr and it would be great to upload here and automatically have my photo's fired over …


Crafty Asset Management

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Migrating assets to a new CMS can be a complete pain, but working out which files go with each page or article on a website doesn't have to be a nightmare if you start with a solid foundation. For me, that means tightly coupling my folder structure on the server with my content structure on the website, a workflow that Craft is particularly nifty at automating.


IndieWebCamp London 2020

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I finally made it to an IndieWebCamp meetup, even if it was remote only due to the increasingly restrictive implications of the coronavirus. I learnt a lot, I had a great time, and I'm ready to start implementing a whole bunch of new ideas right here. I also took a huge number of notes from the speakers and sessions throughout the day.


Trunks and Masters

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There are several strong arguments for moving away from using "master branch" as default terminology, but what should it be replace with? Personally, I like the idea of extending the tree abstraction that we use when talking about branches, so have started using "trunk".


White identity

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What even is "whiteness". Is it skin colour? Not really. Genetics? Race precedes genetics or even evolution. A vague concept of "European" descent? What about Roma people, or (for a lot of history) …