Animating a grid element provides a lot of potential for fancy UIs and interesting interactions, but it's not immediately obvious when searching online how it needs to work and what the limitations are.
Edit (21/05/18): Due to an issue with Yahoo, I
no longer have access to the Flickr account linked below. If you're
interested in my photography, check me out at theAdhocracyUK …
Migrating assets to a new CMS can be a complete pain, but working out which files go with each page or article on a website doesn't have to be a nightmare if you start with a solid foundation. For me, that means tightly coupling my folder structure on the server with my content structure on the website, a workflow that Craft is particularly nifty at automating.
A look back and a look forward... it must be the start of a new year. 2019 held a lot of change and personal improvement, but I can't help but feel that 2020 is going to be a big one. So what exactly do I have planned and what am I hoping for the next 12 months?
Having trouble with Windows 10 and wallpaper slideshows? There's an app for that... actually, quite a few, they're just hard to find, so I curated a few that I've stumbled across for you.
Notes from the fully remote React Summit 2020 (or at least the talks I tuned in for). Lots covered, from static-site generators and the Jamstack through to React state management and accessibility. What a fun day!
Marketing needs versus user experience is a topic that I have some deep misgivings over, but a recent post made me want to try and boil some of those thoughts down into their underlying rationale. I'm not sure I totally succeeded, but there we go.
Better image optimisation by restricting the colour index
When optimising images with only a few visible colours, reducing
the output colour space can have massive savings (Eric is talking
about the Acorn software …
There's some really interesting/disturbing stuff here. Cuvier
worked on academic papers outlining biological divisions within
races – i.e. racist pseudoscience – whilst De la Beche (the
first …
Carousels are the devil's work, but they remain incredibly
useful and popular UI elements 😑 Having a solid implementation
that will work without JavaScript, making it more lightweight and
Coolors are generally my first stop for palette design anyway,
but now that I've discovered this quick WCAG contrast checker
they've become invaluable. There are a few similar tools out there,
but …
A fascinating series looking into how to turn a modern React
eCommerce front end into as fast a page as possible. The
conclusions are not what I had …
Harry has created an absolutely phenomenal talk here that
provides an immense amount of depth whilst still being completely
accessible to someone like me who largely doesn't deal with the
technical …
One of the most thorough explorations of an About page I've ever
seen, and packed with interesting, thoughtful ideas, such as the
statuses as a pseudo "now page" and red/green/grey colour icons to
2023 was another BIG year in terms of, well, everything. We travelled all over the world. We attended scores of major events. And we got married. It's taken a while to write up, as a result!
An interesting – albeit flawed – attempt at a zero-dependencies,
web standards focused, PWA based UI framework, and a potentially
useful quick-start template for using web components and native
I needed to throw together a quick presentation for an internal
team meeting at work, but I've maxed out my free usage
and really hate Google's offering, so went digging for something