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Removing list styles without affecting semantics.

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A simple tweak that simplifies the common approach to "lists that don't look like lists" with HTML/CSS and sidesteps any semantic/accessibility concerns. …


Are you sure that's a number input?

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I often find myself a little unsure of when to use a number input, but Kilian has put together a detailed (yet brief) overview of exactly when it is (and isn't) appropriate. The tl;dr is beautifully …


Solving Ancient Riddles with Neural Networks

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I, like just about everyone who has ever heard of it, have been fascinated by the Voynich manuscript for years. The idea of an eldritch textbook, written in an encrypted script and with baffling, …


Trunks and Masters

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There are several strong arguments for moving away from using "master branch" as default terminology, but what should it be replace with? Personally, I like the idea of extending the tree abstraction that we use when talking about branches, so have started using "trunk".


The great divide

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The infamous frontend divide, the feeling that JavaScript-everywhere has caused a schism in what a frontend developer is. Should they be split into JavaScript Engineer and UI …


Accessible interactions

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So you have a non-page-based navigation: tabs, carousels, accordions, multi-level menus, route changes... we deal with these a lot in modern frontends. Is your "trigger" (the thing you press to make …


We're still not innovating with AI-generated UI

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With the recent announcement of an AI-UI tool from the folks at Vercel, there's been a lot of discussion about claims around "production-ready code" that is actually riddled with bugs, lacks …


Accessible chart & data library

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Easily the most comprehensive and impressive charting and data visualisation library I've come across. Graphs and charts are keyboard accessible, well-labelled, meaningfully marked up, with colour …


Some use cases for display: contents

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There have long been issues (mainly due to browser regressions) with using display: contents; in the wild, but there are still some potential use-cases for effectively removing non-semantic elements …


When to use <meter>

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A solid example of where HTML semantics can be a little problematic: the <meter> element. Also a good overview of where/when this element is …


Why my code isn't in TypeScript

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Remy has some good arguments for why TypeScript can be just as much of an issue as it is a benefit. I've personally got a love/hate relationship with the abstraction, so it's always good to have some …

  • JavaScript

A rant about front-end development

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Every now and then someone writes a really entertaining and/or interesting critique of the whole modern web ecosystem thing that we are stuck using. This is one of those posts. I don't agree with it …

  • Frontend

"Fixing" lists

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I've long "known" that if you set list-style: none on a <ul> or <ol>, then you "should" add role="list" to that element as well. If you don't, Safari/VoiceOver will ignore the inherent …