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A global documentation platform

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Andy brings up a very valid and very scary point: what happens when Mozilla shuts down MDN? Why is one of the most important sources of web knowledge not under community stewardship? And what can we …

  • The World Wide Web

Manage Global State with Contact API and Hooks

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Jonas has put together a useful overview of why the "new" Context API in React is probably a better option than Redux for many simple use cases, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to set up …


Learning from Lego with modular design

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An interesting look at using padding only on the very lowest element within a hierarchy (as Samantha says, the atoms of your design) and therefore setting it globally. It's a logical approach, though …


Simple state management with Recoil

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Recoil is a new state management library from Facebook (though note this isn't an official React project). Doesn't seem to do anything too fancy, but does use a similar mental model to hooks …


Pass API Data to the Stylesheet with CSS Variables

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I keep running into the same problem: how to set a style attribute in the CMS and have that be dynamically rendered on the front-end, without relying on inline styles. Turns out it's a great use case for CSS variables!


How to use React Context Effectively

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I guess I'm reading up on React Context a lot today. Kent provides a useful step-by-step guide in his normal steady manner, which I found pretty easy to grasp. He also makes a very valid …


IndieWebCamp London 2020

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I finally made it to an IndieWebCamp meetup, even if it was remote only due to the increasingly restrictive implications of the coronavirus. I learnt a lot, I had a great time, and I'm ready to start implementing a whole bunch of new ideas right here. I also took a huge number of notes from the speakers and sessions throughout the day.


Remote Beer & Neigh-Neighs

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It's become something of a tradition in our university friend group to get together for an early-summer party and watch the Grand National horse race, ostensibly because a couple of the group have …


React Summit 2020 Notes

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Notes from the fully remote React Summit 2020 (or at least the talks I tuned in for). Lots covered, from static-site generators and the Jamstack through to React state management and accessibility. What a fun day!


Adding Search: Refining The Frontend (Algolia, Gatsby, Craft CMS - Part 3)

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The search page is live, the index is populated, but it all looked a bit rubbish and it didn't quite work as well as I wanted. Now it's using custom-styled components, queries are tracked/stored via the URL for persistence, and you can filter results based on category.


Jamstack Conf 2020

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Notes from the 2020 Jamstack Conf. Some interesting dives in the Jamstack community and various applications of Jamstack technologies, with tweet threads as usual.


Var, let, and const, what's the difference

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var is globally scoped and hoisted, which can lead to unintended side effects. let is block-scoped and can never be redeclared within that scope – much harder to break, but need to be careful about …


WordPress is renaming 'master' to 'trunk' on Git repositories

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The debate around the common practice of naming the primary branch in Git "master" continues, but I thought the statement from WordPress had some interesting points. They largely mirror my own views …


Go Fest Worldwide

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I've been playing PokΓ©mon Go for a little while now (as has Alison) so when it was announced that a real-world event would finally be coming to London this year I was quite excited. …


Books vs the Web

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I love books. I have a huge collection of them and I routinely add to it. But when it comes to the topic of spreading knowledge and information, I think the web wins. It may not be as nice to use, but it is more accessible, and that means it's more valuable.


Green Versus Red

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Clearly last year's global Go Fest was a success, because six months later Niantic have followed it up with a ticketed Kanto event. Focusing on the original slate of 151 PokΓ©mon, the event included …


Unlocking Git with Aliases

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A look at how I've been using Git aliases to remove repetitive tasks, automate workflows, and generally optimise working on the command line. They're small tips, but they've had a big impact on me.


Frontend hype and dogmatism

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Tech Twitterβ„’ is bickering again and, as ever, Andy's take is the best take: use what works, understand that criticism is not an attack, and realise that what works for you may not work for …