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Sparkbox Notes

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Notes from my second fully remote conference, this time Sparkbox's UnConference. Being able to freely access talks from the US is a rare bonus of everything going on right now, and this did not disappoint. Musical cameos, great talks on UX, accessibility, design systems, and amazing speakers. Great event (despite the time difference).


How I doubled my lighthouse score in one night

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A very interesting rundown of some common performance checks and techniques that Ben went through to boost their lighthouse score from <50 to >95! I was particularly interested that font …


Josh's custom CSS reset

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Josh has added some additional thoughts to Andy's CSS reset. Personally, I like a combination of the two (with a dash of Stephanie's best practices thrown in for good measure), but wanted to capture …


Performative performance

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A thoughtful look at the idea of sustainability in web development and design, particularly in terms of whether worrying about an individual design choice's carbon footprint is meaningful or simply …


Re-evaluating px vs em in media queries

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An overview of the state of media queries and accessible overrides (page zoom, text zoom, min/max font size settings etc.), seeking to determine which of em, rem, or px is the best option. Turns out …


Reimagining fluid typography

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Whilst I've used fluid typography on several site designs (typically via Utopia's calculator), I've always been a bit wary about the base assumptions and potential accessibility issues that it can …