Modern CSS techniques to improve legibility
Read NoteA great overview of techniques to help improve text legibility, working with the browser rather than against it to be as inclusive as β¦
A great overview of techniques to help improve text legibility, working with the browser rather than against it to be as inclusive as β¦
Jeremy has been updating The Session to use variable font sizes with the new CSS clamp() property. He offers some interesting ideas on how best to do β¦
Are there any concerns with using superscript and subscript when crafting content for the web?
A simple and informative example of how the new CSS clamp property can be used to create fluid layouts (in this case, specifically a fluid type β¦
System fonts are often overlooked, but they come with a massive list of advantages: environmental, performance, data β¦
Notes from my second fully remote conference, this time Sparkbox's UnConference. Being able to freely access talks from the US is a rare bonus of everything going on right now, and this did not disappoint. Musical cameos, great talks on UX, accessibility, design systems, and amazing speakers. Great event (despite the time difference).
An interesting thought experiment from Chris: if a client asked you to build a website that could last a minimum of 10 years, what would you do? Lots of influential people in his answers, but I'm β¦
Some thoughts on Code Institute's "5 Day Coding Challenge", having just completed it.
A very interesting rundown of some common performance checks and techniques that Ben went through to boost their lighthouse score from <50 to >95! I was particularly interested that font β¦
A quick (and dirty) way to fetch local data from a JSON file and modify the look of a page in Astro, completely natively.
I've been saying for a couple of years that we are on the brink of a "fluid design" revolution in front-end development, similar to what happened around the late 2000s with "responsive design". β¦
Harry has created an absolutely phenomenal talk here that provides an immense amount of depth whilst still being completely accessible to someone like me who largely doesn't deal with the technical β¦
I read the entirety of the EAA β including all supporting documentation β so you don't have to.
Josh has added some additional thoughts to Andy's CSS reset. Personally, I like a combination of the two (with a dash of Stephanie's best practices thrown in for good measure), but wanted to capture β¦
A thoughtful look at the idea of sustainability in web development and design, particularly in terms of whether worrying about an individual design choice's carbon footprint is meaningful or simply β¦
An overview of the state of media queries and accessible overrides (page zoom, text zoom, min/max font size settings etc.), seeking to determine which of em, rem, or px is the best option. Turns out β¦
Whilst I've used fluid typography on several site designs (typically via Utopia's calculator), I've always been a bit wary about the base assumptions and potential accessibility issues that it can β¦