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Why chatbots are not the future

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An interesting read into designing UIs for LLMs and other generative ML algorithms, particularly given the author's relatively extensive work in that field. The main takeaway seems to be that pure …


React Summit 2020 Notes

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Notes from the fully remote React Summit 2020 (or at least the talks I tuned in for). Lots covered, from static-site generators and the Jamstack through to React state management and accessibility. What a fun day!


Self Categorisation

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In which I start off asking a simple question: what content categories should I use on this website? Four hours later, I've discoverd information gardening, now pages, digital-me libraries, and oh so much more. And yes, I think I've answered that first question. Fancy a trip down the rabbit hole?


From context collapse to content collapse

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So that previously mentioned discussion around the problems of having a "single identity online" led me to this brilliant dissection of the impact social media had on social identity. From the …


Making sense of React Server Components

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A superb breakdown of the changes being made in React 18+ around the new React Server Components paradigm. Josh has a knack for explaining complex problems in simpler ways, and this is no exception; …


Nuclear anchored sidenotes

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I have long sought a web-native way to achieve sidenotes with CSS, and it turns out Eric is in the same boat. The new Anchor Position API in CSS is seeking to solve that problem, and whilst it …


2023: The Year of Our Big Day

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2023 was another BIG year in terms of, well, everything. We travelled all over the world. We attended scores of major events. And we got married. It's taken a while to write up, as a result!

  • Notes from the Editor