
Post types:

Noopener, noreferrer, and nofollow explained

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I can never remember what the differences are between noopener, noreferrer, and nofollow, or when best to use them, so here's a handy guide that covers pretty much all of the …


How knot to hang a painting

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How to hang a painting from two points, where removing either point causes the hanging to fail. Weird puzzle, excellent explanation of the fundamentals of knot theory in …


Lightroom Resource List

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My new PC is up and running and starting to be "just right" (we'll get to further details later, I promise), so one of the big "new" things I've got for the new year is a subscription to Adobe CC - …


The Climbing Hangar

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We're continuing the trend of finally actioning gifts I've given Alison over the last few years. This time it's a session at a nearby (as in walking-distance nearby) climbing wall, something I'd got …


aria-label is a code smell

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A very interesting breakdown of why accessibility auditors often see ARIA labels as red flags, deftly explained (as ever) by Eric. (I also must admit that the interactive-only aspect of ARIA labels …