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Commute calculator

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A brilliant tool for determining where in London you get to within a certain time from a given location. In other words: if I live at X, where can I commute to within Y minutes …


2018: The Year of London

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It's that odd time of year, the bit between Christmas and New Year where time doesn't really flow like you expect it to. No one knows what day of the week it is and everything seems to be …


Finding the Time

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We have seven days in a week, 24 hours in a day – but what does that actually mean when trying to set aside time to work on side projects? Once you take into account work hours, time to eat and sleep, and everything in between, is it all as bad as it feels?



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Last Friday, my company ran a trial "work from home" afternoon. We were sent home at lunch and everyone had to log on to our services remotely, in order to stress test how they would cope under a …


The perfect New Yorker caption for the social web

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I didn't know that people try to come up with "perfect New Yorker captions", sentences that can be added to any New Yorker cartoon and just work, but it's a fun idea. Frank's modern take is a …


The South Georgia museum

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The fact that there is a fully-staffed museum on South Georgia makes me so incredibly happy 😊 This is an island without any permanent inhabitants (unless you count the penguins), no hotels, no …