Call Me Kat

⭐⭐ ½ based on 1 review.

tl;dr: An attempt at American Miranda that is well cast but ultimately feels hollow and air-brushed. Mindless TV.



Season One

Spoilers Ahead: My reviews are not spoiler-free. You have been warned.

It took me a few episodesto realise that this was an attempt to redo Miranda for an American audience, but once you realise what it's going for some of the weirder quirks make more sense. They're still weird – particularly the "quaint" ending of each episode with a full-cast fourth wall break and waving 🤷‍♂️ – and don't really work, but at least you kinda get it.

The reality is that American castingis equivalent to air-brushing: it might look pretty, there may even be significant talent and depth beneath that facade, but it removes a lot of the soul. And so despite a superb leading actress and solid supporting cast, the show always feels a little too try-hard. Add some really quite amateur/boring writing (particularly in the first half of the season) and predictable hijinks, and the show is rarely bad but also never all that good, either.

If you're looking for something quite mindless to switch off to, though (like on a long haul flight 😉) it fits the bill well enough, and may even elicit the odd chuckle or two.